Massage Classes

5 Elements Massage - 5 Elements Massage is a powerful healing and balancing mix of techniques that works the 5 elements that we are made of: water, fire, air, earth and ether. It is a synthesis healing that enhance and balance our body-mind-energy system. It works on our earth element through Deep tissue strokes, working on our deeper layers that will give us a deep sense of stability and grounding. 5Elements Massage works on our water element through creating rhythmic waves flow throughout the body, to let go of anything needed. It activates our fire element through acupressure and blood flushes, detoxing, purifying and unblocking our energy pathways. With light and soft touches it works on our air element, bringing us to a sense of great relaxation. And least but not last, the ether, our energy body is well looked after by receiving Reiki therapy throughout the body. The results are spectacular as it releases our fascia, joints and muscles. It unblocks energetic blocks in our meridian lines and/or chackras.  It brings us to a space of self-care, meditation and love for ourselves and others. Contact us to book a session.

Thai Yoga Massage  - Thai Yoga Massage is a centuries-old healing massage therapy that helps to release tension and boost energy through a combination of deep stretch, gentle pressure, and mindful breathing. This holistic treatment combines teachings of Ayurveda, yoga, and mindfulness to create what has been called a ‘practical application of loving kindness’ that rejuvenates and heals. During your Thai Massage session, we work with the 10 Sen or Energy lines within your body to increase circulation, flexibility, and openness. Through rhythmic, ritualistic movements, pressure is applied to the whole body. The massage takes place on a comfortable floor mat to allow me to gently guide you into supported stretches from the Hatha Yoga tradition in a comfortable and safe space. For me, each treatment is an offering of kindness, compassion and awareness.  And as we move through the sequence, we engage with the body’s natural energy points to increase the entire flow of energy and create a feeling of wellness and renewal. Contact us to book a session.

Shiatsu - Shiatsu is a manipulative therapy developed in Japan and incorporating techniques of anma (Japanese traditional massage), acupressure, stretching, and Western massage. Shiatsu involves applying pressure to special points or areas on the body in order to maintain physical and mental well being, treat disease, or alleviate discomfort. This therapy is considered holistic because it attempts to treat the whole person instead of a specific medical complaint. All types of acupressure generally focus on the same pressure points and so-called energy pathways, but may differ in terms of massage technique. Shiatsu, which can be translated as finger pressure, has been described as needle-free acupuncture. Contact us to book a session.