200hrs Yoga Teacher Training Course in Gran Canaria with Elise certified by Yoga Alliance International!

Would you like to become a Yoga Alliance International Certified, skillful, intuitive and confident Yoga Teacher?


Transformational Yoga is an integral approach to physical health, emotional balance, mental and spiritual clarity.

People that practice Transformational Yoga:

• Improve their Physical Health

• Increase their Energy Levels

 • Experience a deeper sense of focus

 • Breath deeper

 • Increase their emotional balance

 • Develop their mental and spiritual clarity

 • Connect with their higher self


In this Teacher Training course, you will learn how:


 •  To teach the theory of Transformational Yoga and understand how it has a positive impact in our 5 bodies: the physical, the mental, the energetic, the psychic and our spiritual bodies.

 •  To teach the practice of Transformational Yoga asanas. The different standing up, lying down or seating down sequences and how to adapt each one depending on your class abilities.

 • To teach about human body anatomy and group of muscles targeted on main asanas.

 • To teach the Sanskrit Alphabet and powerful Mantras chanting to use in your classes.

 • To teach a variety of pranayama breathing techniques. You will understand the purpose of each of them and when to use the different styles.

 • To teach a wide range of Meditation practices to enrich your Yoga clases.

 •  To teach the use of Mudras and its powerful effects our 5 bodies.


Join us in this life evolving experience from the 07,07,22 - 27,07,22

A few places still available.




About the trainer: Elise Jones is a 500hrs Certified Yoga  Master who has taught, practiced and studied Yoga for  more than 20 years  in Asia, Europe and the Americas. Elise is also a qualified Reiki  Master, Massage Therapist,  Aquatic Bodywork Practitioner and Dance Therapist who holds a Masters Degree from the University of London in Education and Training.



Kristianne Joy Woods from Canada tells her experience as undertaking our 200hrs Yoga Teacher Training Course…


“ Overall experience"- Transformational yoga is exactly what I wanted. OMG! I love the way the course gives me the asana sets to use that cover the basics. This eastern tradition dovetails beautifully with western ideas like Maslow's hierarchy in that the physical is essential, and then as we seek to experience our full potential we need to include more. Elise delivered a full experience of the 5 bodies starting with a welcoming space with beautiful flower arrangements, candle, incense and the Mother's cards. Our time together flowed smoothly through the mantras, the pranayama the asanas and the theory.


Theory: I was surprised how much was compressed into a small manual. We covered everything in a layered sequenced fashion. Although I have already studied a lot about the chakras, and they are core to this practice, I learned a lot from Elise as she shared her experiences learning from Sri Swami Vidyanand himself in India.


Practice: The practice, in combination with the detox diet and meditation really changed my perception and experience of daily life. I already do yoga daily and transformational breath so I was surprised that it could take me so much deeper.


Teaching Facilities: The Balkin-like Castle overlooking the ocean with pool-side vegan snacks was exquisite. On Saturday we did our practice on the beach taking in all sensory delights of this Island. In addition, Elise was very accommodating and made it possible to complete the course in the most effective way considering the time constraints.


Suggestions: Continue on your path. It is a beautiful course and a lovely practice to share with the world.”





    Only 1,800 Euros


    Reserve now




    Accommodation available

    for only 110 Euros for the 21 nights.


    Lunch available for only 110 Euros for the 21 lunches.


    Light breakfast and dinner recommended.

    Self-catering available at shared kitchen.



    For more info visit our website 5bodiesyoga.com,

    email: 5bodiesyoga@gmail.com

    or WhatsApp us +34 666112141